Thursday, 28 October 2010

re-enactments of stillness

by J.Priscila Espinoza Dominguez

“If one is unable to provide a spacious and airy place for the fur over the summer, send it to a specialist who can provide a safe cold room...”

"Hvis en ikke har anledning til selv å gi pelsverket et romslig og luftig oppholdsted sommeren over, så send det inn til en fagmann som kan gi det et trygt opphold i kjølerom...”

text from "Kvinnens Verden", published in 1961

an attempt to solve the mystery of perception wich happened during Sunday 24th October 2010, at the Bergen Architect School.

gray, white and bright

map of the helmet
perception room

abstract description of the map

There are some main elements within a wider and mostly gray area. On the top left, there is a white circle and a smooth brown surface followed by shorter and perforated gray rectangles.

At the left side of the map, there are light brown- and white lines growing from the bottom, leaning slightly to the right.

Besides the lines stands a rectangular and shiny surface framed by slender forms and framed again by another larger but disappearing white rectangle.

To the bottom right there is a smooth, blue and shiny geometrical volume sharing room with a black organic volume.

diagram of individuals

diagram of cooperation


map of the helmet

section of the helmet

evidence A - E1

the helmet, perception room

plan of the evidence


the Bucket and the White Corner

white footprints and red painting left traces between the rolling bucket and the white painting on the floor.

The bucket is full of stones and is located at the left upper border of the helmet. The painting is old and the salt in the bucket seems relatively new.

the Cutter

a dark brown metal table with gray cutting elements. The cutter marks also the middle upper border of the helmet.

Traces of different colors of old painting upon the table and upon the gray floor surface show that the table has been there for a long time.

the Cutter and the Stairs

the cutting table is located bellow the stairs wich have red railing. The stairs mark also the right upper border of the helmet.

the White Wall and the Battens

wooden and slender elements, such as a wall and some battens make the left border of the helmet. The wall is outside the painted surface on the floor.

the White Wall and the Windows

two layers of 2 meters- glass windows liying upon on each other are framed by wooden battens.

The windows’ reflecting surface shows another window on the roof.

the White Painting and the Plastic Bag

a white rectangular painting is located almost in the middle of the helmet. Traces of red and white old painting are remaining on the surface of the gray floor.

The black plastic bag has been moved many times after and during the investigation. Its contents are unknown after the disappearance of the bag.

the Plastic Bag and the Blue Container

both elements were near each other, located to the right bottom of the helmet. The blue container’s contents were small wooden materials and garbage.

Traces of fresh footprints on top of the container.

the rumours and the facts

The school’s janitor does not remember who asked him about the possibility of coming outside the roof of the helmet during the Saturday 23rd October 2010.

He believes it was someone from the teachers or the administration office.

The traces of footprints at the roof disappeared with Sunday’s night rain, but there are some fresh footprints at the top of the container. The footprints contains rests of roof material.

Someone was at the roof and at the helmet

reconstruction of the perception